It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly, to use or operate any wire, wires or mechanisms that conduct or consume electricity and which emit uncontrolled or undirected electrostatic energy audible on the radio or television receiving sets constantly or intermittently for 10 seconds or less duration if reoccurring more often than at 10 minute intervals.
(Code 1978, 5-403; Code 2015)
Any person who shall climb the water tower shall, on conviction, be deemed guilty of violating this section and shall be fined in a sum not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned in the city jail not to exceed 10 days or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court: Provided, that this section shall not apply to any one in the employ of the city or by the authority of the city council, city superintendent or to any one in case of necessity for the protection of the city’s interests.
(Code 1978, 16-115; Code 1994; Code 2004; Code 2015)